Thursday, September 4, 2008

She will come back

My friendship and acquaintance with animals dates back to the days when I was a kid and used to visit my family village. I loved animals and at our home in the village I used to find all sorts of animals, be it buffalo, or goat. My grandpa had a dog named Michael and my uncle had two dogs named Pepsi and Pluto . My uncle even had a monkey named Rani which means queen in Hindi.
Then , my father was transferred to another town where we lived in a quarter alloted to us by the firm in which my father worked , and there i befriended a cat and named her Manno Later we moved from that town to another town.
here I found a pup who grew into a full size dog in 1 year in front of my eyes, although stray dogs don't really have names yet I used to call him Motu because he was the healthiest of all the other pups.But due to some reason we had to move to another house after one and a half year,but i think God always had a new animal friend for me ready at wherever we moved.So at our new home i found three beautiful white pups just 2 months after we moved there,i named them,Goru,Kannu and spotty according to their physical appearance.
These pups would usually stay around my home,and would start scratching the door of my house when they would be hungry.They slept in our balcony on the doormat.They were like those silent partners for me who would take all my pains,my griefs and problems from me.
Then they grew and stopped coming to my home,except one,Goru,who had always been my favourite amongst the three.
She was an all white bitch and had those beautiful eyes which seemed to plead for love.Always smiling ,she seemed,begging for love through her eyes.Goru would still seek refuge in and around my home, while the other two would be wandering on roads,looking for treasures on piles of dirt.
As time passed the bond between Goru and me grew stronger.I many a times asked my parents if we can keep her as a pet,but the answer would be straight NO.
"Dog is a big responsibility! Blah Blah!!"
But yet i would feed Goru with the leftover food and loved her as if she was mine.Then she became pregnant and around one year after i found her she gave birth to three beautiful pups.
But it was severe winters and wen her pups were around two weeks old one fell ill,i tried to take care but all in vain,and then,one day Goru was whining more than ever,it seemed as if she knew her pup is not well,and that's why she is whining.Then we realized that she wasn't whining because her pup was ill,she was whining because she herself was ill.We asked a vet and gave her the prescribed medication.but at night she had kind of an attack.and then at four in the morning started wailing,i wanted to run to her,tell her that she was fine ,and if she's not she will be fine.
But my mother said that what if she's dieing,would you want to see her die and terror of terrors struck me ,and i lied there,numb in my bed,eyes open,her beautiful eyes swarming in my eyes .
At the daybreak,I went to see if she was in the small house we had made for her but all I found was her Pups,looking for their mother.I went looking for her but never found her,living or dead.
Her pups died without her,despite all our care.People said she died somewhere farr from home and so he never came back,but I don't believe them.I still believe ,she is there somewhere pleading for love through those eyes,wagging her tail.And on e day or the other she will come back to me.yes,she will come back.

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